Beware the Height Hounds

I am coining a new term: Height Hounds. Which here means shorter men that are attracted to taller women. I have been approached many times by these “height hounds” who have professed how much they just LOVE tall women. Obsessively so it seems. Like it just made their whole life, their dream come true to see my 6’3″ frame walking past them. “Oooh”, they say as they slowly look me up and down, “I looovve tall women.” I just love being ogled, don’t you?  A little creepy to say the least.

One guy actually got mad at me and started cursing because I told him he was too short. Maybe you would have a chance if you didn’t start cursing at me. Well probably not but still…

I do have to hand it to these guys though. They sure have guts. What is the attraction? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think I’m unattractive. But I wonder why these Height Hounds love us so much? Any ideas? Any similar stories? Share them below!

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25 responses to “Beware the Height Hounds

  1. I am a “height hound”. I will tell you that we humans each have our particular factors of attractions. It’s just that in some men’s biology they are magnetised to a taller other half, that’s simply it. Why should it be treated as an abnormality? However, I would object to the manner some men deal with this factor of attraction by harassing taller women. But this can be said by any man who harasses a woman regardless of the motive. Refer to macrophilia (the passion towards bigger objects) for an scientific perspective.
    There is perfectly nothing wrong with a short man being attracted to a woman taller than himself; it’s just the way this man deals with such an attraction that should be objectionable.


    • Point well taken Mr. McRuff (love the screen name by the way). You’re right there is nothing wrong with a shorter man wanting to be with a taller woman. I’ve just had some rather interesting experiences with some “height hounds” and I was just wondering if there was a reason why this is. Thanks for the input!


      • I would venture as a guess that those who do qualify as a “height hound” more often than not are submissive and desire to be dominated by a much taller woman. This is an example of where you as a person are not what attracts them or what is important, but rather you as a manifestation of their fantasy. But this of course happens to all manner of women, not just tall ones. Too often people approach a romantic situation thinking only terms of their own desires and not what they can actually bring/give to the other person. (BTW, I am not saying this is the case with any of the fellows who have commented here such as McRuff.)


    • No. Like I said in my above comment, I’ve had some interesting experiences, to say the least, of much shorter men asking me out. I’m just wondering if there was a particular reason why. Why do you like tall women, if you don’t mind me asking. Is it just biology as Mr. McRuff said? I don’t mean any harm. I’m just curious. Thanks for stopping by!


      • actually , i don’t know why too

        i just like tall woman , i’m an avrerage height man but I think it’s only a matter of preference in a woman


  2. As a 6’4″ woman, I 100% agree with you, Junoesque! While there are many models & celebrities willing to date shorter, the majority of ordinary tall girls I know prefer to date someone their height. As unfair as it may be, I refuse to date anyone shorter than I am; I think it’s the same as a guy who only dates blondes. It’s a preference. I have also had some pretty bold guys approach me at bars – my favorite line is “Girl, I want to live in you like a redwood!”


    • I can’t date anyone shorter than me either. It’s so weird and awkward. I know it’s prejudiced and whatnot but I just can’t do it.

      That is hilarious! You got me dying laughing over here. Someone really said that? Do they really think those lines will work? I get the “you’re a tall glass of water, and I’m thirsty” a lot.


  3. HI,

    Also a shorter (technically avg height man 5’9″) man who loves tall…or yes, very tall ladies. Why? I’ve asked myself that as well, and while I have some ideas as to why, I don’t really know for sure. I just do! (one self explanation: My dad was very short, so most women were as tall or taller than he, is it hidden in that fact?). Anyway McRuff said it very well. BTW, think how tough it is to love taller women. A gentleman who prefers blonds, can always find another blond, but even at 5’9″ there are a limited number of taller, especially much taller women, and then subtract the ones who wont date shorter, heck it’s as hard as it is for you ladies to find taller guys :). I am embarrassed about how some men approach it. It makes it even harder on use “normal” guys. One last thought, I admit, my attraction for taller ladies includes loving to know all I can about them, such as the experiences you write about here. So, thank you for that. PS: Any of you ladies from SoCal?


    • Thanks Joe for stopping by! You’re right, it must be tough for both in a tall woman-shorter man couple. They both have to be secure enough in themselves to be comfortable in that relationship, to not care about looks. And you make a good point about always finding another blond. That’s one of the things I love about being tall. I love that I am unique and special and you won’t see a super-tall women like me everyday. That’s what I want all tall women to embrace.

      You’re welcome and keep coming back as I share more stories. And don’t forget to share it with your tall lady-friends. 🙂


      • Thanks for writing back Junoesque. I appreciate the thoughts and comments. I think you make a really important point that “…you won’t see a super-tall woman like me everyday.” Not only is that completely accurate (obviously) but maybe that goes a long way to understanding all the reactions you do get, and why people do or say many “stupid” things. I think in truth (almost) all of us admire you, we just but don’t always (I dare say most very tall ladies would say they almost “never) know what to say or how to react. Guess you very tall ladies need learn to embrace your beauty and uniqueness and we mere mortals need to learn better skills in what to say and how to act when we get the chance to meet, or even just see, you.

        As a follow up, what about when you meet a very tall guy? I know some very tall guys hate meeting other tall or taller about when you walk in, and suddenly they aren’t the tallest? And if you have heels! Thanks.


      • I never thought about it that way. That it is such a rare occasion to see a tall women that “normal” people just don’t know what to say. It doesn’t make it any less annoying, but you’re right. I think that would be a good post for the future: “Talking to a tall woman: Conversational etiquette.” Thanks for the idea!

        When I see a very tall guy, I have to admit that it is a little odd because I’m not used to seeing people taller than me. The same goes for tall women. I definitely don’t hate it. I don’t see how I could. I love seeing fellow tall people!

        Yes I do wear heels. I love wearing them, in fact.


  4. When some of my “average” height friends try to introduce me to or fix me up with guys shorter than me, they always say, “but he’s so nice.” I then ask them if their boyfriend/spouse is shorter than they are. They usually shut up after that!!! LOL


  5. Pingback: Looks and Stares: A Comprehensive Guide « The Junoesque·

  6. I am only 6’1″ but I have encountered some ‘height hounds’, mostly on the internet (thank god) so I’ve always blocked them. Now my personal preference in guys is I actually tend to date guys who are shorter than me, ranging from 5’11” to 5’6″ but then again I’m only 18 so, 😛


    • Hi Briy, thanks for stopping by. I admire you for actually wanting to date shorter. 5’6″ I couldn’t do it. At 6’3″ that would be way too awkward. 😉 Do you just not like tall guys or do you find that there aren’t many out there?



  7. I’m 6’6″ and my daughter’s father is 5’11″…I know, WOW! However, I use to not date short men, but where I’m from, there are alot of tall men that are not that interested in tall women and why should I deprive my happiness with just sticking to that one standard. I have shorter men friends that I hungout with daily and had wonderful times with but wouldn’t date them and my daughter’s father had to sit me down one day and say, “Look, we go out and always have fun, plus we get the stares from other people, so why can’t we enjoy what we have as far as a relationship?” At that moment, I stopped caring what we looked like to the public eye and gave it a shot. We were together for 9 yrs and although we’re not together now, he was and still is my BIGGEST fan! He wants me to meet everyone he knows, he encourages me to wear my heels, don’t you dare insult me…he is always ready to attack and what I love the most, he always encourage our 6 yr old (already taller than her classmates) to stand tall and love her height so she can be outstanding like her mother. If I find a man that is cool and can treat me like the queen I am, then I don’t discriminate. Life is to short to just find happiness in one type of person.


    • Hi Tamara, Thanks for commenting. I think it is absolutely fabulous that you were able to look past the height and be in a relationship with what sounds like a great guy and though the relationship is over, I am glad that he is still a positive influence in you and your child’s life. You sound a lot like my sister who doesn’t really care about height she just likes boys (don’t tell her I said that lol). And what you are saying is absolutely true, a man’s height should not matter. But I can’t help it I’m shallow (I readily admit it), I don’t seem to find shorter men attractive especially when the only men who approach me are short, usually much older, and frankly a little creepy. But you never know maybe I will someday go out with a shorter guy. But I won’t give up hope for that 6’10” guy my mom promised me to come my way. lol



  8. I’ve been pestered by height hounds for years online, each and everyone of them was only interested in me because of my height, because it was their heart’s desire to find a tall woman who could either carry them around like a baby, or wrestle them and pin them down.
    I don’t give a stuff what anyone else says, I will not date a short guy.


  9. I’ve not heard the term “height hound” until this moment, but in the past I had heard of what has been called “tall hawks”. I certainly do not disagree with the notion that it is unpleasant to be seen only as an object and a fantasy and not an individual. I would say that anyone who displays a unique physical attribute is going to attract certain people for whom all that matter is that physical attribute; that is unfortunate. At the same time, however, we all are attracted to what we are attracted to (to oversimplify). Myself I’m 6’3″, but four of my exes have been taller than I am. As a matter of physical preference I do actually prefer women who are extremely tall and yet I can tell you that my ex-fiance is 5’2″ and I was absolutely madly and passionately in love with her. I suppose what I want to stress is that I would hope tall women would not be overly cynical of every man who is attracted by their height inasmuch as everyone is attracted by SOME phsyical attribute, but certainly it is that which is not physical which gives birth to and nurtures love. On a side note as a man who is not short and yet still prefers extremely tall women I have a great deal of sympathy for my short brothers who are rejected out of hand by tall women. Even I have been told once that I was “too short”. Still, in fairness, I do understand we do not have a choice in who we are attracted to; it is something that simply comes naturally and cannot be forced. I would hope, however, that a tall woman’s preference for a taller man is indeed her natural preference and not the result of societal pressures. Ironically I got some harassing comments over the years myself about dating a taller woman, and again, I’m not short. Whatever the case let me close simply by saying be true to your own needs, wants and desires and to those men who wish to win your attention and affection be respectful at all times. There is always a soul within each body; be mindful of that at all times.


    • Hi Manuel,
      Very well written and thought out response. You make some good points.

      I have to say though that I don’t have a problem so much with shorter men finding me attractive or trying to ask me out (even though I am not attracted to shorter men); it is like you said, about respect. I would rather not be talked to and leered at like some sexual object.

      How tall were these women telling you that you are too short? If they were my height (6’3″) or taller I would understand especially if she likes to wear heels. But again, it is like you said, about personal preference.

      Thanks for stopping by!


      • The specific instance I have in mind she was about 6’6″ I believe, which coincidentally is the height of my tallest ex. (As a bit of history my exes from most recent going backwards are 5’2″, 6’6″, 6’3″, 6’5″ and 6’4″; all the tall ones wore very high heels as well.) I think it is understandably frustrating to be rejected for being “too short” (especially in my case because I’m not short), however frustrating or not it is something one has to respect. I have my preferences and areas in which it would be unlikely for me to compromise and as such it would be very hypocritical of me not to be understanding of a woman who does as well. I believe very strongly, though, that ultimately attraction is a mystery. How or why we are attracted to some people is often beyond our own comprehension and as such I am reluctant to make any absolute pronouncements such as “I would never date someone who was (fill in the blank)”. In approaching romance I do believe we must separate what we find absolutely essential from what we find preferable. Never settle or compromise where the essential is concerned, but perhaps a degree of flexibility on the preferable. Don’t forego the cake if the frosting isn’t your favorite so to say.


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