Welcome to The Junoesque!

Welcome to The Junoesque! A meeting place for all the Junoesque ladies of the world. Ladies of imposing height and beauty. Yes, tall is beautiful no matter what anyone says. This will be a place of refuge from the stares, the gawking, and the endless asinine comments. Because no one can really understand what it’s like unless they’ve been there. Me and my sister are 6’3″ and 6’4″ respectively. That is a foot taller than the “average woman”. So needless to say, we’ve been there.

We decided to start The Junoesque to share our personal experiences being “the tall girls”. We will share what we’ve learned along the way, things we wish we knew when we were growing up, stories we’re sure you all out there can relate to.  We want our readers to know that we Junoesque are a rare breed, above above average. We are not alone, and we should never ever feel sorry for ourselves.

Stay tuned for everything on the best places to find  jeans that are long enough to our experiences dealing with all those “normal” people (hereafter referred to as those less fortunate).

Until next time,

Elayna and Myiesha

2 responses to “Welcome to The Junoesque!

  1. Lovely ladies! I am only 5’8″ but there is nothing I love more than a tall lady (except a tall lady in heels, so sassy!). It makes me envious and walk just a bit taller 😉


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